Belt and Road Initiative to promote globalization, regional integration: Turkish expert

New China TV

Published on Apr 29, 2017

Turkish researcher Selcuk Colakoglu says Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by China, will promote both regional integration and globalization.

Director of the Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Prof.Dr. Selçuk Çolakoğlu's TV interview on April 14, 2018 to Strictly Security, a weekly TV magazine on i24NEWS English hosted by Lauren Izso on “Russia and the U.S. on a collision course in Syria”. Amb. Baruch Ben Neriah, former Israeli ambassador to Georgia & Hebrew University Jerusalem, and Behnam Ben Taleblu, a research fellow at FDD in Washington, D.C. are other contributors to Strictly Security.

Director of APAC, Prof Selçuk Çolakoğlu's Tv interview to World Insight, a TV magazine
on CGTN hosted by Tian Wei on “Israeli-Palestinian Tensions and Turkish-Israeli Diplomatic Rift”. Prof. He Wenping from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, and Dr. Bülent Alirıza from CSIS in Washington, D.C. are other contributors to World Insight.

Trump's decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has unleashed a lethal chain reaction. The opening ceremony of the new embassy, which straddles the boundary between Israel and the West Bank, coincided with Palestinian protests. Israeli forces killed 60 demonstrators when quelling the unrest. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan labelled the Israeli response as "genocide" and expelled the Israeli ambassador. Can Trump comprehend the effects of his decision to relocate the US embassy, which include a diplomatic spat between its two closest Middle Eastern allies?

Published on May 17, 2018


Published on Aug 19, 2018

STRICTLY SECURITY | This week's 'Think Tank Central' focuses on the U.S.- Turkish strained relationship, and whether Washington and Ankara, united as they've been through decades of strategic cooperation can find their way back from the brink. President of the Turkish Heritage Organization Ali Cinar and Director of the Turkish Center for Asia Pacific Professor Selcuk Colakoglu analyze.

CategoryNews & Politics

Think Tank Central: Israeli Strike in Syria Message to Iran?

Published on Dec 30, 2018

STRICTLY SECURITY |  After the withdraw of U.S. forces from Syria was announced, Israeli security officials were quick to downplay its significance, claiming that Israel has been and will continue to act independently in Syria.  Despite criticism and shock in Washington, this week Israel proved it was determined to maintain its operations to counter Iran's interests in Syria. I.D.F. (Ret.) Brigadier General Hanan Gefen and Professor Selçuk Colakoglu, author and director of the Turkish center for Asia Pacific Studies analyze.


An overnight air strike in Syria attributed to Israel targeted several senior Hezbollah leaders as they boarded a plane bound for Iran, the Newsweek magazine reported Wednesday, citing an unnamed Department of Defense official.

Syria's state media outlet SANA said late Tuesday evening that the country's air defenses were activated over Damascus in response to "enemy targets", without providing further details.

Shortly after, the Israel Defense Forces (I.D.F.) said in a statement that its own air defenses had fired at a Syrian anti-aircraft missile. No injuries or damages occurred.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor attributed the strike to Israel, saying that "missiles fired from Israeli planes targeted... arms depots southwest and south of Damascus that belong to Hezbollah or Iranian forces."

The Syrian military subsequently told SANA that Israeli airstrikes targeted a weapons depot, injuring three regime soldiers.

A U.S. Department of Defense official was later cited by American publication Newsweek as saying that the Israeli strikes targeted Iran-bound Hezbollah leaders in addition to several Iranian weapons depots.

The unnamed source told the publication he had received the information from top Israeli military officials.

Reports connected the alleged Israeli strikes to the arrival of an Iranian cargo plane in Damascus earlier on Tuesday. An aircraft belonging to Iran’s Fars Air Qeshm — a firm which has been accused of ferrying arms into Syria and Lebanon — landed in Damascus at around 7:00 p.m. local time, three hours before the air strikes began.

The strikes appear to be the first Israeli raids in Syria since the U.S. announced the withdrawal of 2,000 troops from the country, a force which had in part been charged with keeping Iranian-backed fighters in check.

Israel has acknowledged carrying out hundreds of air strikes in Syria against what it says are Iranian military targets and advanced weapons deliveries to Hezbollah.

For more, see below 


Director of APAC, Prof Selçuk Çolakoğlu's Tv interview to World Insight, a TV magazine on CGTN hosted by Tian Wei on The Turkish Elections on June 24, 2018. Dr.Bülent Alirıza from CSIS in Washington, D.C. is other contributor to World Insight.

President Erdogan has assumed new constitutional powers after winning the Turkish general election. He has been granted the power to appoint judges, vice presidents and other officials. He has also been given the right to impose a state of emergency. Will Erdogan's new powers give him the latitude to tackle internal security threats and the Turkish currency crisis?

Published on Jun 27, 2018​


Yes’ or ‘No’ | Erdogan bets all in Turkish referendum

Published on Apr 13, 2017

Voters in Turkey will decide in a referendum on April 16th whether to approve constitutional amendments that would change the structure of governance in the country from a parliamentary system to a presidential one. The amendments would greatly extend the powers of the president and abolish the position of prime minister. All overseas voting ended on April 9, though the result will not be announced until the polls in Turkey close on the 16th. Overseas campaigning has caused bitter rows between Turkey and some of its European neighbors. President Erdogan accused Dutch and German authorities of acting like Nazis when they refused to allow Turkish officials to campaign in their countries. Will Erdogan realize his political dream? What's next for Turkey’s relationship with Europe? For more insight, Liu Xin is joined by Professor Selcuk Colakoglu, director of the Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies in Ankara, Turkey and Professor Tugrul Keskin, a member of the Center for Turkish Studies at Shanghai University.

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