CMSS Seminar: The Russia-Ukraine War and Turkey

Dr. Selçuk Çolakoğlu, Globalisation and Development Programme, BNU-HKBU United International College

​                                    Founding Director of the Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Organizer: The Centre for Muslim States and Societies of The University of Western Australia 

Date: Thursday, 14 April 2022

Time: 10-11am (AWST)


CMSS Seminar: The Russia-Ukraine War and Turkey

Dr. Selçuk Çolakoğlu, Globalisation and Development Programme, BNU-HKBU United International College

When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, Turkey welcomed Georgia and Ukraine as new neighbors and potential buffer states between it and its historical strategic rival in the north, Russia. Building good neighborly relations with Georgia and Ukraine while ensuring their territorial integrity were prioritized by Turkey, as doing so also worked to prevent potential conflict between these states and Russia in the future. Nevertheless, Georgia and Ukraine didn’t turn out to be the ideal buffer states that Turkey had hoped for. Furthermore, Turkey’s initial hopes of a common regional vision have faded after three decades of political and economic engagement with Russia. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will likely cause Turkey to perceive Russia as a threat for the first time since the end of the Cold War. From now on, it is likely that Ankara will prioritize balancing Russia rather than deepening its economic partnership with the country.

Date: Thursday, 14 April 2022

Time: 10-11am (AWST)

Organizer of The Russia-Ukraine War and Turkey

The Centre for Muslim States and Societies of The University of Western Australia conducts research to provide a better understanding of the beliefs and practices of Muslim states and communities in the Indian Ocean region. The Centre explores the identities, cultures and values of these states, as well as the roles of Muslims in the West and Australia. It is a venue for exploring and promoting moderate voices in Islam and Muslim societies.