Call for Papers
The editor-in-chief of Eurolimes, the Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen and "Jean Monnet" European Centre of Excellence, invites you to contribute to the 30th issue with articles and/or book reviews.
Eurolimes is a peer-reviewed journal, researchers with credentials in the article's field of study examining all articles before they are published. Hence, the submitted proposals are sent out to other scholars in the same field (the author's peers) to get their scientific opinion on the proposed paper. They are followed: the quality of the research, its relevance to the field, and its appropriateness for the journal; the compliance of the scientific methods announced in the abstract; the clarity and well organisation of the research, the paper’s contribution to the state of the art in its field, etc.
Eurolimes is indexed in Ebscohost, ProQuest, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Gesis Socioguide databases, and is accredited by CNCSIS, code 537, B + Category.
To each issue of the journal there is assigned a specific topic, announced on the website of the journal. Authors are expected to submit only those articles that follow the proposed topic of the EUROLIMES issue. If the above-mentioned condition is not fulfilled, the proposed articles will not be considered in the peer-review process.
The topic of the 30th issue is the following: European Union: Freedoms, Borders, and Security in time of Pandemic.
The perspectives that we would like to receive in the proposals of our authors are:
-Borders and Security in Time of Pandemic
-Borders of isolation
-Isolation: a new rebordering or another type of debordering?
-Isolation: resurrected or dying borders? (if we are still in isolation, what is the point of borders? Are borders still useful if/as long as the world stands still?)
-Europe and the world: united in isolation (The borders genuinely reappeared or rather disappeared, because they were no longer needed? Isolation brought the world together through technology and the effects of the pandemic, which were felt equally)
-European Union and its member states in time of pandemic
-Rebordered states, debordered people: the use of technology in time of pandemics
-Migrants in time of pandemic: the borders of home (migrants in the hosting states migrants rejected by their origin states)
-Pandemic and conspiracy: a new cleavage between citizens, a new border in human relations?
The deadline is the end of July 2021.
For more information and for Authors Guide, please contact the Editor of Eurolimes, Mr Ioan Horga ( or the Executive Editor, Mrs Cristina Dogot ( would be pleased to receive your papers!